The WHY?

We begin another year in this great nation and our resilience continues to proliferate. Serving the nurse voice, Nurse Publius will be blunt and unapologetic in its passionate expression of world views. We welcome your voice into the conversations, articles and statements that follow. “Rochambeau” NURSE PUBLIUS


As a travel nurse it's hard to get a clear understanding of the quality rating that a potential assignment organization has. Here we help gain some insight with feedback from your nurse peers.  

In the ratings below we intentionally exclude mentioning patient centered care with the understanding, that if nurses are supported the result may allow an environment to provide effective care with a patient centered approach. Remember, we are not rating individuals and we understand that organizations may have low rating, but as is more common the nurse peers and multidisciplinary collaborators may be exceptional to work with. Thank you for sharing your experience. 


NURSE FIRST CLASS: Location puts the nurse first, maybe magnet recognition, but more important nurses are valued and respected at all levels to include: staff nurse peers, unit leadership, executive leadership, physicians, and ancillary peers (patient care assistants, respiratory therapist, pharmacy, lab-phlebotomy, med. equipment-supply, security personnel, environmental services). Support staff available i.e. patient care assistants, rapid response teams and physicians easily reached. Evidence-based practice. Safe nurse staffing levels. Safe workplace allowing for full practice. Resources are all available: educational, parking is safe and accessible, meal options available 24hrs/7 days a week, employee health access, and facility resources accessible (Id badge, IT assistance, etc). Unit leadership is visible and has established presence on unit. All or nothing on this rating. 

ORGANIZATIONAL FIRST CLASS: The organization is setup to provide safe care for populations implementing evidence-based practice. Safe workplace allowing for full practice. Staffing is effectively supplemented (within 1hr staff needs are filled). Resources are all available: parking is safe and accessible, meal options available 24hrs/7 days a week, employee health access, and facility resources accessible (Id badge, IT assistance, etc).

EXTENDED CLASS: Contract was extended on assignment to this location and would extend again. Some of the resources and support described above are met at this location but not entirely. 

ECONOMY CLASS: Assignment location satisfied financial request.

YOLO CLASS: Would not extend or recommend this location to any nurse peer.

How to Post a productive comment: City, State, Health System Organization, Unit type (Med-Surg, Tele, etc.), and  assign Quality Rating/s detailed above. We do have hurt feelings forms upon request. 

1 comment:

  1. RN Charon,

    Columbia, SC Prisma Health Heart Hospital-Extended Class (EC); Specifically Moultrie Suite-Organizational First Class (OFC) unit leadership is exceptional.
